Sunday, May 13, 2007

Think About It For A Second

I've been told on numerous occasions that I'm going to hell- for many different reasons. With that in mind I thought I'd have some fun on the way and post this rather 'interesting' picture.

Think about it for a second, how did this actually happen?
First someone had to design it, then someone had to print it, then someone had to deliver it, finally someone had to put it in the window.
Nobody thought there was something a little wrong here?


Anthony said...

Hahahahahahaha... Ahhhh some people will NEVER learn.

RRP said...

brings a whole new meaning to "holy communion"...

what??? i'm already going there, too!!!

Anonymous said...


"Body of Christ"


Anonymous said...

... and to think the whole Priest / Choir Boy relationship is frowned on...

Looks like they were only following a divine example.

Anonymous said...

hahahaha, very funny!!!

thanks, Paul

Anonymous said...