Tuesday, August 08, 2006

3.2 Lucky Readers

So I haven't Blogged in a while.

It's not like my life has stopped providing me with endless moronic stories and random thoughts to share with you, it's just that living in the real world temporarily distracted me from the blog.

It will never happen again. Ok that's a lie it definitely will happen again at some stage.

I suppose that in this instance I'm using the "busy life" excuse just like when I bump into friends that I have neglected for months. Sure life is busy, it's always busy, but the bigger issue is my (sometimes socially crippling) laziness.

Luckily for the 3.2 people who now read this blog my laziness has been overtaken by a much more powerful force- procrastination. I have an assignment due in a couple of days so stay tuned for lots of posts written in the time I should be spending putting together a major piece of assessment.

Peace Out.

Looking at this picture makes me want to sit down and do some serious thinking about where my life is headed. It also makes me want to sit down and eat a large bowl of potato salad- go figure?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mmm.Potato Salad.