Sunday, August 20, 2006

Numbers Don't Lie, But I Do

After much deliberation I decided to install a web counter on my blog today.

I had to fight back the urge to set the initial reading on the counter at 678. Why 678? Well I thought it was a number that would make it appear as if I was popular- but still be somewhat realistic. Instead I settled on 21 as a starting point, it's my favorite number and a much more conservative lie.

While I'm on the topic of lies let me address one other issue. A few reader may have had the opportunity to read a post that I wrote after returning home traumatized on Friday night. This post has since been removed. It involved me being stalked by an 'interesting' character on Friday night which resulted in me weaving a tangled web of lies to avoid having to be blunt and honest with the 'interesting' young man who was very eager to 'have coffee' with me.

I just wanted to point out that the post was not removed to spare myself any complications relating to the web of lies I told. I removed it because I got a sudden case of the guilts, I had posted the real name and image of someone without their permission- and although this 'interesting' character would probably never have seen the blog it just didn't seem right.

For those of you who missed the post don't feel left out- many stories are sure to emerge as a result of my 'truth interpretation' that night. Stay tuned.

This is not a great photo of me. Bad lighting.


Anonymous said...

Dammit. I was looking forward to reading that blog... particularly as I was there as it happened!
Well I guess, the starrs are blind...

Anonymous said...

'Truth Interpretation'

One of your many talents Michael.

Manipulative bastard.