Monday, June 12, 2006

Dont Call Me Will

Why do people have the obsessive need to put a label on everything? I don’t think every mother daughter living together are just like Kath and Kim, I don’t tell my solicitor cousin that she reminds me of Ally McBeal nor do I refer to my vampire slaying friend as Buffy. So why on earth do my friend Mona and I constantly get compared to Will & Grace?

I am gay and she is straight, not the most complex observation. Now I’m a tolerant person, I can smile politely and let people have their moment as they make what I’m sure they think is a perceptive and witty statement.

You and Mona are EXACTLY LIKE Will and Grace!

It’s actually quite humorous watching them as they grin and think to themselves,

Wow, I’m so gay friendly, I’m so hip, I just love those gays.

But I have recently noticed a disturbing trend, now some people have started referring to Mona as a fag hag. Correct me if I’m wrong but calling someone I love a ‘hag’ isn't very nice- and while I’m ranting let me just say that calling me a ‘fag’ isn’t a great idea either. Our relationship isn't defined by the fact that I’m gay and she is straight, just as my close friendship with my male friend Rob isn’t. In the case of my close male friends girls constantly ask me if I am secretly in love with them, the answer is obviously yes, I have a secret crush on every male that I have ever come into contact with.

To combat this issue I have come up with two options:

Option 1) I will refer to all straight couples as Brad and Angelina, all sets of girlfriends as Paris and Nicole, and constantly imply that any two people standing within 10 feet of each other are secretly in love.

Option 2) I can gather up all the ignorant people in a big canvas bag and give them the unwanted kitten treatment.

If you have never had a ‘Will and Grace’ moment with me, continue your day unencumbered.

If you are reading this and feeling guilty, don’t worry, admitting you’re an idiot is the first step, I’ll forgive you.

If you are reading this and feeling angry that I’m an oversensitive fag who can’t take a joke, watch out for strange men with canvas bags.

End of rant.


Fettuccine Alfredo said...

Will, Will, Will... when will (no pun) kind learn? You have no rights. No opinions. We morally superior people can call you and your kind whatever we want.

Until such time as our Lord and Savior George W. Bush gets his way and exterminates you all, you will allow us to call you whatever we desire.


FEMBOTanist said...

Shouldn't this person be busy fucking his own sister out on the farm?

Anonymous said...


i'm with fembotanist!!!!!

I think good old fettuccine alfredo might be a little confused about the general concept of religion. I'm not sure if people are aware...but George W. is NOT INFACT god.

Sorry Alfy.