Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Michael Who?

Hello fellow bloggers and internet savy friends, I have resisted the urge long enough, the time has come... it is time for Michael to blog. Hopefully that will be the last time I refer to myself in the third person, however I make no promises.

Let me begin by saying that I'm not sure what the theme of my blog will be, should there even be a theme? The majority of my posts will probably not make sense to anyone but myself... welome to the incoherient ramblings of a mentally unbalanced 22 year old.

If you are wondering where the supremely creative blog title "Michael Who?" came from allow me to elaborate. If you dont care then I suggest you stop reading here and go back to doing something more productive.

Anyway, 'Michael Who', no it's not my real name- I was blessed with a 12 letter surname that I couldn't spell until midway through Grade 5- "Michael Who?" reffers to the phrase uttered randomly throughout my primary school years due to the fact that there was an obsene number of children named Michael in my year level. One day when asked by another teacher to send 'Michael' to the office my grade three teacher replied,

Michael Who?

Upon hearing this for the 4ooth time that week I proceeded to correct my teachers grammer,

Miss, shouln't you ask 'Which Michael?' instead of saying 'Michael Who?'

To this day I'm not actually sure if I was right, but the moral of the story is dont backchat to your teacher the day of Parent - Teacher Interviews.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lol. Thanks for laugh ,looking forward to many more! :) im already